About us 🐇🐰

Hi everyone! 

We would like to introduce the crew & inspiration to the name Artistic Fluff. As you can see Fluff comes from our 5 rescued rabbits that work hard looking cute to perfect your orders! 

Our biggest goal is to receive enough orders to donate to a picked rescue every month! We hope we can make it to that point soon. Thank you for all the support! 

Now introducing the family:

Nibby  🐰

We got Nibby on accident but don’t regret it at all. We went to rescue two hamsters and came home with a bunny! We actually knew nothing about rabbits and were told that he needs 15 minutes of exercise and a handful of hay daily. Wow was that wrong!!! Now he is a happy boy that’s is free-roamed with his partner in crime- Cinnamon. He gets unlimited hay like all rabbits should. However, we believe he used to be abused because he doesn’t like being touched. We don’t mind, we just admire from a distance and he acknowledges us when we have treats. We love you Nibby!


Cinnamon 🐰

Cinnamon was abandoned between 2-3 times before finding his forever home with us. He was thrown outside twice to defend for himself and you never do that with domestic rabbits! Thankfully, he’s a little warrior and eventually got found by a nice lady and treated back to health. She couldn’t keep him and made sure to find a good home for him and that’s how we got him. It took a Craigslist listing and how can you say no to that cute face. Now he is happy causing chaos with Nibby. We love you Cinnamon!


Midnight 🐰

A friend reached out to me saying they knew someone trying to rehome their rabbit. The first time we said no because we were in an apartment and didn’t think we had the space for another bun. The second time we said yes and it was the best decision ever. We picked Midnight up from her previous owner and can sadly tell she didn’t have the proper care and space a rabbit should have. We were happy to give her a room to herself and help her get her coat back and lose weight. This was important for her health and now she’s a sassy girl that will vocalize her feelings. I bet you didn’t know rabbits could talk huh! We love you Midnight!



Luciano 🐰

We found Luciano online looking to be rehomed. I couldn’t help fall in love for how fluffy he was since he is a lion head rabbit. I instantly reached out and was told he’s ready to go to his new home. We took him home not knowing much about him and went to the vet to find out Lucy the girl bunny was actually a boy and renamed him Luciano. He never went to the vet so we got him all situated and now he lives happy in his own room and sometimes comes to sleep with his bun parents in bed asking for love. 🐇 We love you Luciano! 

Rue 🐰 

Our sweet Rue was one of our fosters that came from an awful hoarding situation where there was 20-30 rabbits rescued. We started fostering her and another bun and within 24 hours she gave birth to 5 babies. Unfortunately, one passed away but we raised the other 4. Nobody knew she was pregnant ! Thankfully 3 out of 4 of her babies have been adopted. We couldn’t help but keep her and that’s how we ended up with a foster fail. It has been amazing seeing her grow up from giving birth at 6 months and being such a good first time mommy. We love you Rue! 


We have had a total of 7 foster rabbits so far including Rue who we adopted. Please think about adopting an animal and all their needs and take in consider all the care and love they need. All of our sweet babies came from situations not ideal. We are happy we have them but it’s not fair that animals are neglected and abused from us humans. Thank you for reading about us! The hoomans will like to remain anonymous because let’s be honest it’s all about the buns! 🐰 Feel free to reach about proper care of rabbits and/or products. We are hoppy to help. Happy shopping 🩷🐇